Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chateau de Vincennes

I'm taking a French Culture class while I am here in France, and last weekend we ventured to the beautiful Chateau de Vincennes. It is on the outer part of Paris however the metro ride was not too long from my house. It is absolutely beautiful, I'm am so transfixed by history and architecture it was hard for me to not love this place. The chateau actually used to be a castle in France, that just absolutely blows my mind. The more I live here and explore the more I have learned to love history. It is amazing to be living in a city that has been around for centuries. We definitely can't say that about America! I walk among history every day, its absolutely breathtaking. Even today as I ran across the Seine I looked to my right and there was the Notre Dame. I stopped and took a picture on my phone, I had no idea I was so close to it! Anyways, I fall more and more in love with this place as the days go by. Who knows, maybe i'll never want to leave ;)

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