Saturday, December 10, 2011


It is the most wonderful time of the year! And although my house isn't decorated with christmas lights and a tree I can sure feel the holiday spirit all around. The Champs-Elysees is just absolutely beautiful right now, with the big christmas markets and tents everywhere, the ferris wheel at the end of the street and all the lights on the trees and buildings its so amazing! I seriously am in love with everything. My life has been busy lately and especially with finals coming up next week AND my family coming to visit in exactly 7 days :) so excited!!! I got a job babysitting the CUTEST french children, I'm kind of obsessed. The boy can sort of understand my english but the little girl has no idea what I am saying most of the time, so they are helping me really learn how to speak french. I usually babysit in the evenings for a few hours a day so they keep me busy which I really like, especially since I am moving into my own apartment in a month! It will give me something to keep me busy and get paid for it! Hello Louboutin's!! :) I am beyond excited to spend see my family, words can't describe it. And traveling to Nice, Rome and Venice! It is going to be the best time of my whole year abroad! Well, here is a picture of the ferris wheel :)